Sunday, September 13, 2009

This dedicate to Norah Jones, I would never have endless nights immerse in the beautiful romantic words and songs. Her whispers are always true and dear...thanks so much for the beautiful things you're bringing to this world...
"Come away with me, in the night..
come away with me, and I will write you a song
Come away with me...on a bus
come away where they can't tempt us with their lies
And I wanna walk with you on a cloudy day
and feel where the yellow grass grows knee high
so won't you try to come?
Come away with me and we'll kiss, on a mountain top
come away with me and i'll never stop loving you...
I wanna wake up with the rain falling on the tin roof
while i'm safe there in your arms
So what I ask is or you, to come away with me in the night... "

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nature lover, animal colors, air, sounds...pretty much everything in this earth.